But... we can also get caught up in lifelong quarrels, because we don't listen to each other, don't understand each other, or because we still feel angry and hurt, or because we think we are 'not seen'. Expectations then become 'obligations'. Our communication is no longer a form of finding each other, but a form of conscious or unconscious aggression, which leads to hurting each other. We are no longer connected with each other.
Do you recognize any of this in your relationship? Would you like to re-connect with each other? I can help you with it.
Expectations that "become obligations" are in fact needs, of ourselves and others, that are not recognized.
What if instead of "expecting" we learn to recognize our needs and communicated them in a nonviolent way?
What if we could turn potential conflicts into peaceful dialogues that connect us ?
The American psychologist Marshall Rosenberg investigated this and mapped it in his book “Nonviolent Communication”. In my practice I integrate his insights and method with techniques from other terapeutic approcheas and hypnotherapy.
I help couples (hetero, LGBT / LGBT), but also everyone who has become entangled in a relational conflict or is going through a crisis.
Examples of other relationships are: mother and / or father and son or mother and / or father and daughter, sisters, brothers, friends or work colleagues.
Therapy helps to: recognize and understand each other's needs, to let go of (fears, anger, sadness, ...), to say what you need to say, so that love and respect can be restored even when the desire is to end a relationship.