Integrative psychotherapy is a form of short-term therapy that combines and integrates techniques from different therapy models. The approach is based on the understanding that as humans we share certain evolutionary traits and characteristics, yet each of us is unique, just like our fingerprints. This means that there is no treatment method or therapy that works the same for everyone and/ or offers a solution to all problems.
This belief is based on scientific research. Psychologist Saul Rosenzweig already indicated in 1939 that all therapies are equally effective. In What works for whom
(1996), Roth and Fonagy examined 25 years of psychotherapy research and concluded that no therapy works better than another.
The integrative psychotherapist can choose from a wide range of techniques and methods. But the choice depends on your request for help. From what works for you, from what you need. We will look for that together.