The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. This means that privacy legislation is the same in all countries of the EU.
I am obliged by the WGBO (Medical Treatment Agreement Act) to record a file of your treatment and to keep it for 20 years. The file can also be destroyed in your presence at the end of the treatment. In this case your written permission (statement) is needed, and will be kept.
There are two exceptions to which destruction of your file is not possible: if the therapist considers the information in the file of great importance to someone other than yourself. For example, in the interest of one of your family member for the purpose to investigate hereditary diseases and if the law opposes it, such as with the archiefwet.
The file contains:
• Intake notes and data, such as your health status, data from any previous treatments, and any information relevant to the treatment
• Consultation notes
• Data that are necessary for your treatment and that, only after your explicit permission, I have requested from another healthcare professional, for example from the general practitioner. Information exchange can only takes place after your explicit consent.
I have a legal duty of professionalconfidentiality and I do everything I can to guarantee your privacy. This means, among other things, that I handle your personal and medical data with care, and make sure that unauthorized persons do not have access to your data. I am the only one who has access to your file.
Only after your explicit permission your file data can be used for other purposes:
• to inform other care professional, for example when at the end of the therapy or when referring to another practitioner is needed:
• during my absence due to prolunged illness or death
• during peer consultation (anonymous use).
Privacy on the insurance invoice
On the insurance invoice you'll find all the details needed to get a reimbursement from your health insurer.
• name, address and place of residence
• date of birth
• consultation date
• Consultation code and description
• Consultation fee